Platinum End Wiki
This article is about the anime episode. For the manga chapter of the same name, see Gift from an Angel (Chapter).

Gift from an Angel (天使の贈り物, Tenshi no Okurimono?) is the first episode of the Platinum End anime series.


On the day of his middle school graduation, Mirai Kakehashi jumps off a building to conclude his miserable desolate life. However, he is caught midair by the angel Nasse, who claims to have the ability to grant him with freedom, love, and the hope to live. Mirai is dubious about her offer and insists that he merely wants to die, but is abruptly granted with the supernatural abilities to fly through the usage of Wings, and to command anyone to fall in love with him through a set of magical Red Arrows. After testing the Wings, Nasse reveals a years-old secret kept hidden by Mirai's extended family. As such, he confronts them about it.


The episode opens on a shot of statues of angels, zooming into the middle to show a drawing of a family. A voice narrates "Everyone is born with the goal of happiness, and everyone lives with the aim of attaining even greater happiness." We cut to a busy classroom of children who have just graduated. A boy named Mirai Kakehashi sits staring at his diploma, a cold look set upon his face.

After school, Mirai goes to a convivence store where he grabs some melon bread. After changing his mind, He puts the melon bread down and walks out. Mirai is then seen standing atop a skyscraper. He proclaims that it is time for him to die and that he always tried to be happy. He says that "he wanted to be happy" before jumping off of the building.

As he falls to his death, he is caught by an Angel. The angel introduces herslef as Nasse. She explains that her job is to make him happy and that she prevented his death. Upon hearing this, Mirai begs her to let him die. Nasse responds by explaining that she surprisingly knows many things about his past : His family's tragic accident at the age of seven, Mirai's abusive uncle and aunt.

Nasse then tells Mirai about how she's going to give him hope. When asked about how she would do that, she spreads out her Wings. She says that they can be used to travel anywhere, giving him freedom. She then holds up her arms, showing red concentric rings around her wrists. A geometric shape appears on the palm on her hand, which she calls "a red arrow." This arrow can make anyone struck by it fall in love with the caster. Nasse gives Mirai a choice: Wings or Arrows.

Despite initially thinking that it's a scam, Mirai demands that he get both of them. Nasse agrees immediately, citing tradition as the reason why she asked him the question in the first place. She throws the rings onto his arms and neck. Mirai freaks out but the angel assures him that they are invisible to normal people. Although, she does warn him that they can not be removed.

Mirai is then given time to practice flying. He finds this quite enjoyable, eventually crying tears of joy. He makes his way to a building with flags that contain green clovers. This reminds him of a memory where he gave a friend a similar green clover.

While talking to Mirai, Nasse drops a subtle hint about Mirai's uncle and aunt murdering people. When Mirai questions her further, He learns that the victims were his family. Mirai experiences flashbacks to his traumatic childhood and sees the years of neglect that he has had to face. To prove that it is not a lie, Nasse suggests that they use the arrows.

Mirai reaches his house and shoots Mirai with the red arrow. His aunt falls for him immediately, and answers all his questions. When she confirms that they did kill Mirai's family, Mirai's uncle walks in. While the two fight it out, Mirai has flashbacks to his family's death. Mirai falls to the ground and proclaims that his aunt and uncle should have been the ones to die. Upon hearing this, Mirai's aunt gets up and end her life by stabbing herself.

Mirai lays in a pool of blood as he thinks about his past. The drawing from the beginning of the episode is shown to be a drawing of Mirai's family drawn by Mirai. Mirai's mom asks him to live a happy life.

Three days later, Mirai sits in an hotel room. Nasse complains that Mirai has not used his wings or arrow since he shot a hotel manager in order to get a room at the hotel. She also explains that Mirai's uncle thinks that Mirai's aunt took her own life. Mirai explains that he is looking for a more ordinary happiness, one that does not include theft or manipulation.

Nasse explains that he can kill for money and Mirai objects to the idea as he does not want to see blood. Nasse introduces the white arrow, which instantly kills the target. She explains that Mirai is a god candidate, one of the 13 people assigned an angel. He is now part of a competition to decide who will be the next God.

In a parking lot, we see a black car. Inside the car a god candidate, surrounded by naked women, shoots at another one dressed in robotic gear. He is stopped as the man in the robotic gear uses a white arrow to kill him.

Characters in order of appearance[]

See also[]
