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God (神, Kami) is a being who serves above the angels in the Celestial Realm and watches over Earth.
God is anthropomorphic, has long hair, and is frequently enveloped in a white glow emitting from a ring made from a rainbow that he frequently stands in the middle of. Before merging with Shuji Nakaumi, God's appearance is akin to an elderly man. He is frail looking, has a dark-grey body despite always having light shined on him from the ring that he stands in, and has a noticeable darker tone of white hair. After merging with Shuji, God's appears take on features similar to a young male. He has a bit more muscle, has a fuller look to his body, has slightly longer hair, and both his hair and body become bright-white. Distortions form on God's body due to the fusion process.God's left arm and right leg are infected with black, gray, and white spots from God slowly encroaching on Shuji Nakaumi's body and mind while Shuji is in control of the body they share.
God has stated that he cares about humanity and does everything in his power to make a better world, even though God cannot directly interfere with the affairs of humanity outside of the god choosing process. During the god choosing process, God maintained a neutral stance, never showing that he had a favorite god candidate or angel. He only cared about making sure everyone followed the rules and that a god candidate was chosen before his life span ran out.
God was created by mysterious beings. Once created, God left the Celestial Realm and headed to Earth to start making life. Before he created life on Earth, an unknown type of micro-organism made its way onto God's body. He cut off the skin that this micro-organism was on. This micro-organism had consumed part of God's cells which would eventually become Nasse. God would eventually create the angels and the first life on Earth. Once finished, God would watch from the Celestial Realm as more life multiplied without his intervention. God spent many years using his energy to make the world better with minimal interference.
Throughout history, God has imposed the god choosing process for new god candidates to be elected. God has fused and overtake all elected god candidate's body and mind until Shuji's will was able to prevent the fusion process from being completed.
When God began to run out of energy, God selected 13 angels to travel to the Earth to select a god candidate. According to Nasse, all god candidates were chosen from Japan because the country is number one in suicide rates. God states that those who are close to death, whether by suicide, murder, terminal illness, curious about what happens after humans die, etc., make the best god candidates. God informed the participating angels that if their candidate was chosen, they would be allowed to live on peacefully with their candidate in the Celestial Realm, and that they will have 999 days before one of the candidates is elected. The time limit is linked to the number of days that God has left to live.

God would observe the god choosing process from the Celestial Realm with minimum interference. When Revel was able to gain understanding of human emotions, God promoted him to first rank angel. When Nasse interfered with the god choosing process by saving Mirai from Gaku's white arrow, God demoted Nasse to second rank. Once Nasse saved Gaku, God would restore Nasse to special rank.
The true identity of god is split among the god candidates. Some like Mirai, believe God is real and that humanity needs him, even if Yoneda's theory was correct that God was created by humanity. Yoneda believes that the existence of God is not needed and that humanity should rely on itself. Gaku Yoneda incorrectly stated that God was birthed from an unknown energy that emits from humans who believe in God. Yoneda even states that he could engineer the equivalent of God and the arrows, but that technology wouldn't be available for 150 years. At the end of the god choosing process, everyone elects Shuji Nakuami to become God and he would let Gaku Yoneda know who came first, God or humans.

When Shuji Nakaumi was elected, God would enter into Shuji's body and they would merge together. During the fusion process, God and the angels converse with Shuji and revealed the secrets of the Celestial Realm. They reveal that the soul is just a copy of a human's physical form that is saved at the moment of their death for the purpose of archiving, God is the creator of all life on Earth, God is a creation, but doesn't know who created him, and that Nasse's special ability to interact with both organic beings and celestial beings is because she was born as an organic lifeform on Earth as a micro-organism that made its way onto God's body, absorbed some of his cells, then became an angel. God did not create the Earth nor the universe.
Shuji, as God, comes to the conclusion that humanity has never needed God since humans were always on their own due to God never interfering in the world. Shuji never wanted to become God in the first place. He only did it to answer Yoneda's theory on who came first, God or humans. This would lead to Shuji killing himself to get rid of God. As Shuji kills himself, God fails to convince him that what Shuji is doing is wrong. Since God and Shuji share the same body, Shuji's suicide by white arrow also kills God as well. This results in the all angels, the Celestial Realm, and all living beings on Earth, including plants and animals, to disappear. Only a dead Earth is left behind that would eventually be visited by mysterious beings. It appears that God was aware that his death would result in the destruction of everything that he created, but Shuji falsely believed that God’s death would only affect himself, the angels, the Celestial Realm, and the red arrow that was left for Gaku Yoneda.
- Red Arrow: God can go one step beyond making a human fall in love with the user of the red arrow; he can control the very will of a person. God can also manipulate the memories of humans. At the end of god choosing process, as Shuji and God merge, he erases the memories of the god choosing process from everyone except for the remaining god candidates who wished to retain their memories. God is able to manipulate the physical structure of a lifeform. This is only done once when Shuji Nakaumi is in control of God and heals the scar on Saki's face.
- White Arrow: According to Ogaro, God can use the white arrow without limits. He can end the entire world if he wanted to. God can also die by using the white arrow on himself.
- Wings: God can grant or strip away an angel's ability to give their god candidate wings at will, although he decides this based off an angel's rank. God is never seen using wings, but it's implied that he can use them if he desired.
- Teleportation: God teleported in front of the angels to announce the start of the god choosing process and he teleported to Earth to merge with Shuji Nakaumi when he was elected to become the next God.
- Clairvoyance: God can created aqueous style windows to Earth to observe current events.
- Life Force Generation: God is able to create life that exists on Earth, souls, and angels.
- Fusion: Anytime a god candidate was elected, God would enter the body of the human. The fusion process is not instantaneous. When God and Shuji Nakaumi were fusing, six years passed on Earth and the fusion process was still not completed. This means that the fusion process takes a few years to be completed and the amount of time can vary based on the elected god candidate's will. Initially, the god candidate will have control of their altered body and God's powers. During this fusion process, God and the god candidate will occupy the same body and they are able to communicate with each other in their mind. After enough time has passed by, the fusion process will be complete. Once completed, God will take full control of his new vessel and the god candidate's mind. This will reset the lifespan of God. If a person is strong enough, the god candidate's will, like Shuji, is able to delay the fusion process. Gaku Yoneda was correct when he questioned if the elected god candidate would maintain their individual mind.
- Nigh Immortality: Unlike God's creators who have absolute immortality, God is only partially immortal and is capable of death. God can indefinitely extend his life by fusing with another human until his new vessel runs out of life and a new human is needed. God can die if a human cannot be acquired to extend his life. He can also be killed by a white arrow. Baret stated that Nanato Mukaido could extend his life by thousands of years, despite his cancer, if he became God. This implies that the life span of each human vessel that God possesses will last for at least a few thousand years.
- General Providence: God was able to visit Earth while the planet was void of any life. Once God created life on Earth, he is no longer able to leave the Celestial Realm, use his power to interfere directly with the world, or directly talk with humans. The only exception for special providence is during the god choosing process, God can directly interact with the Earth until a new god candidate is elected. Outside of this outlier, God can only interact with humanity indirectly to uphold the natural order of Earth, but he will choose to standby in most circumstances. When Shuji Nakaumi was elected to become God, he concluded that God should do nothing and that humanity should be responsible for their own lives.
- God's appearance is similar to how God is described in Dante's Paradiso. Both of them are enclosed in a ring filled with light and a rainbow.
- The will of God is comparable to the doctrine of divine providence that was proposed by Saint Augstine, a 3rd century theolgian. He proposed that God primarily acts through general providence, in which God continiously governs the universe and prioritizes natural law over special providence, the exceptionally rare act of God intervening directly in the lives of humans, usually by supernatural means that breaks natural law such as miracles, prophecy, or the disclosure of secret heavenly knowledge.
See Also[]
Species | |
Human | Humans · God Candidates |
Non-Human | Angels · God · Unknown |
God | |
Species | God† |
Individual | Shuji Nakaumi† |